Joanne, profile photo

Could people please sign in to play and if you’re bringing guests please sign them in as well. Last Saturday there were more than 20 players. Also, quite a number of these players were not intermediates but beginners. Can I make a suggestion with regards to this. When I began playing in SP beginners played in the 3rd court until they improved enough to join the intermediate players and could be some what competitive. I think this would be a good practice to adopt again. My humble opinion!


looking for a ride for two people tomorrow , Thursday . thanks!

KATHY, profile photo
KATHY responded in

3 guests

KPR, profile photo

Hey, why aren’t people signing up for pickle ball? There are 10 people signed up and when I went there were at least 20 people there. I wasted my time I never would’ve gone if there were that many people playing pickle ball. Your people need to sign up.

KATHY, profile photo
KATHY responded in

I also have a guest coming with me