
I have a lesson tomorrow at 10:30, if there's an available court. If there is anyone willing to play a game after you are finished please let me know


I would be interested if I could get a ride out with you. I am flexible as to the time. Alan

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Peter, I think I am ready to work my way back on to the courts and I would be happy to play with you and the beginners if needed.


Those of you who had a lesson or two with me understand how I like to work. After you learn how the scoring works ( the toughest part of the game). How to serve, volley, and some basic NVZ strategy. At this point you need to play in a live game. Usually I will try to play as your partner and Coach you as we play. In a live game the pace is different the energy is much different then what you will see a lesson. I would to see if there are any of you that would help out with this by playing in a live game with some of the people I am working with. Pm me if you can
Thank Peter


I wonder if we should go back to the single court being for beginners. I remember being told to play there when I was a beginner. If intermiates want ro go and play there with the beginners that is fine.


I would be happy to play with the beginners on Tuesday mornings. Between 10:20 and 10:45 works best for me. Thanks Peter for making the introduction to this great sport a priority.