

I just received an email from johnL. He has tested positive for covid. This is the group he played with on the 14th


I’ll go get a test done. You said at the clinic on calle Africa?


Just a fyi, I was signed up that day, but didn’t play.


Good one gary


Ben yes they test from 8:00 to 1:00

Rick, profile photo

I was tested negative on the 17th!


Think I missed that session?


I got tested this morning and am negative. Will be back in 2 weeks.

(removed member)

Thank you for the heads up. I consulted my doctor who told me a test shouldn't be necessary since I have no symptoms (and have been vaccinated 2x Moderna) and wasn't in close contact with him (within 6 feet for 15 min cum)- only played 1 match against him. I have been feeling very good like I normally do! Those who played more closely/ adjacent have tested negative. I'd prefer avoiding going to Sayulita & paying for a test but understand if that means staying away from Hacienda until the number of days deemed appropriate. I apologize I don't know the specific policy. I had signed up to play tomorrow (Friday) but please let me know if you're uncomfortable with that.
Hoping this all passes quickly for everyone and sending strong wishes & energy for health to everyone!!! ~Karlyn


Not at all Karlyn. Look forward to playing with and against you. I have been tested twice in the last two weeks. I did have a cold but to put the people around me at ease I got a second test. I believe your doctor is spot on. See u tomorrow

(removed member)

Okay super, glad you feel comfortable with me showing up as planned!


Got tested this morning, despite no symptoms, partly to help ease my family’s concerns. Negative. See you tomorrow.

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