

We must have somehow missed this. These are the rules the Hacienda has listed for entry into their property.
I think number 3 is you must be vaccinated. I have not researched any of this but they do seem to following state and gov guidelines.

Bob, profile photo

I believe Peter to be correct in his analysis. The basic rule voted on by the membership is that to enter the courts you must be vaxxed and boostered, if you can be. Sounds like you are. If you want to be really sure, you can obtain a Covid test. They are available in Sayulita for about $40 USD. There are also home test kits. But hey, we are on the honor system here and your word is good enough. Just saying. There are varying degrees of Covid caution here, most of the servers and staff at the big restaurants are wearing masks, you need a mask to shop at Indio, PV seems to be more inclusive with masks required at the big retailers and other places in the city, so be prepared.
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