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Availability list

Gretchen Evelyne B Michael B Gilbert norman w Tessa Joanne B KPR KATHY L Wes K
No one
Lander Chas Sharon K Ron B Jane M Joe H Badger Bob Farmer Vicky F Tom L Darr R Rick V DrewH Jane E Jose L Chris P jungle j Bab Paul M Ian Steve O roger g Bobby Yo Michael M Barbara G Michael R Jim N Rick G Solange G Larry D Lisa K Edgar R Gerardo Shari M Josh M Lorenzo L Keith L Marc S Bill M [2] JudyC Beth U Jill N Teri Tim H [2] David Bobby M Diane B Laura F Angela R David R Juan Pablo Juan O Andy H pd MAO Lori L Dylan F Daniel F Tito L Jeannette L Mary-Lou B Karen s Gary B pd Teresa J pd Alan R Ben P Tessa S Roberto S Rene R Brian W Zian Susan L Taylor K Jacques R Doug L pd Alessandra Olga Walter W Gail K Donna B Michele M KathyC Rick N evelyneb Laura K Kirk K Randy Michele L RON L Karen G Dave G Bob P Marcia F Nate V Ralph C Sue C Rich A Judith R MikeD Martha C Cliff G John G Karen G [2] Judith R 2 Thomas E Greenwood Bri M David K Liz T Adam G Jen W Pam P Adam G [2] Lorn Lorn [2] Gretchen W Lolo Isa F Richard F Andy B Jacque Becker W Shoshana Jen-Jen Cat Corey T Ken D Susan N Rolf J Kris O Kris O [2] Gary S Jess K Keith L [2] Doug S Donna H Courtney S Sheila M Sheila M [2] Brenda G Matt G Tessa S [2] Wes S Andre C Diane W Diane W [2] Gary A mike h Juan Díaz Juan D [2] Taylor Billy C Fernando M Larry V Tessa B Maggie m Joan B Dr M Brad B Bob c Mills Mills [2] Bonny Marlene Y Alan D Vickie S Lynn S L m Laurie1 Alex S Kathy S Tom R Sebastian Gerry Peter R

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KATHY, profile photo
KATHY responded in

3 guests

KPR, profile photo

Hey, why aren’t people signing up for pickle ball? There are 10 people signed up and when I went there were at least 20 people there. I wasted my time I never would’ve gone if there were that many people playing pickle ball. Your people need to sign up.

Visiting players can sign up using a link


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Previous / Next In Out
Practice Thu, Feb 1 at 08:30 AM 8 1
Practice Fri, Feb 2 at 08:30 AM 9 1
Practice Sat, Feb 3 at 08:30 AM 10 0
Practice Sun, Feb 4 at 08:30 AM 0 0
Practice Mon, Feb 5 at 08:30 AM 8 2

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